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Contact us for the best HDPE Piping Systems Price and more

Design and Specifications/ USP


100% virgin raw material

HDPE pipes are made from the highest grade of High-Density Polyethylene polymers (PE 63, PE80 & PE100) that enable flexibility and excellent abrasion & weather resistance. The material superiority facilitates a smooth internal surface that enables higher flow & lower frictional losses.


Outstanding flexibility

Long-distance handling and transportation of Ashirvad HDPE pipes are easier due to the inherent flexibility over long distances which makes carrying and transportation easier. This feature in turn facilitates faster & easier installations


Crush Resistance

Many soil and water sources play a part in these pipes since they are primarily installed under the soil surface. Ashirvad HDPE possesses superior crush resistance qualities that prevent product damages. Furthermore, Ashirvad HDPE pipes do not support microbial growth and flow properties remain strong for the life of the pipe.


Superior Hydrostatic strength

Ashirvad HDPE Pipes possess superior hydrostatic strength that imparts strength and resilience to the pipe body during high-pressure flow. We have manufactured lighter pipes without compromising on the strength of the product. This light-weight quality facilitates easier transportation and installation of the pipes for potable water supply.

Why Ashirvad HDPE Pipes?

Ashirvad HDPE Pipes

Ashirvad HDPE Pipes and fittings offer unparalleled installation options with a high-quality finish, superior dimensional accuracy, and stability suitable for all types of commercial and domestic installations.

Free from odours and toxins

Ashirvad HDPE pipes are free from odours and toxins of any kind. This assurance upholds our promise of securing 100% safe potable water that is free from all contamination.

Easy to handle

ow temperature does not affect HDPE as much as other plastic materials. Ashirvad HDPE pipes require no handling adjustments to tackle cold weather.

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